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[16.02.2019] Warsztaty z Phoenix Kazree w Radomiu


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Warsztaty z Phoenix Kazree w Radomiu


(link do wydarzenia na FB)



Data: 16.02.2019r.

Godzina: Od 10:00 do 17:00

Miejsce: Cocoon Pole Dance Academy Magdalena Ślusarczyk ul. Biznesowa 8, 26-600 Radom


Ciężko w to uwierzyć ale to prawda! Phoenix Kazree Pole już w lutym odwiedzi Polskę i poprowadzi warsztaty w Cocoon Pole Dance Academy Magdalena Ślusarczyk ♥ nie możesz tego przegapić!

Phoenix Kazree is native of Los Angeles, CA. She is a former gymnast and is trained in classical, contemporary and ethnic dance styles. Her dance training includes the Alvin Ailey American Dance School, Joffrey Ballet, The Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, and 2 years on scholarship with Bella Lewitzky. Phoenix has been dancing professionally and teaching dance since graduating high school. She traveled the Americas with the touring company of a hit Broadway show for 13 years. Her latest accomplishments are earning the title of Female Elite Champion of Pole Art Italy 2015 and Vice Champion of the female professional division of the Pan American Pole Championships 2015 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Phoenix was also 1st Runner Up at 2014 Pole Stars Championship in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She is the 2011 California Pole Dance Champion, and the 2nd place winner of the 2011 and 2012 American Pole Fitness Championships. She was a finalist in the 2011 and 2013 Pole Art Competition in Helsinki, Finland and she placed 4th in Pole Art 2012 in Stockholm, Sweden. Phoenix was also a finalist in the 2014 Pole World Cup in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Phoenix was awarded for "Best Show" at Aerial Pole International Competition 2012 in Bern, Switzerland. She also earned the award for "Pole Athlete of the Year" at the APFC 2011 and La Pole Battle Montreal 2011.

● NEW! Fly Girl Workshop (LEVEL int/adv) -90 MINUT -1 OSOBA DO RURKI
Despite the title of this workshop, it is great for both women and men. Get a good grip and fly around the pole with fun and dynamic flying spin combinations. This workshop will take you around, around, and upside down. Let's go beast mode on that static pole and go hard on spin.

● Signature Tricks, Transitions and Combos (LEVEL int-adv) -90 MINUT -1 OSOBA DO RURKI
Is "Titanic" on your list of pole moves to accomplish? Phoenix Kazree's Signature Tricks and Transitions is where you will learn all four versions of it. Along with floor to pole transitions, more signature tricks, creative ways to enter and exit classic tricks, and so much more.

● Spin Static, Spin Spin (LEVEL int-adv) -90 MINUT -1 OSOBA DO RURKI
This workshop focuses purely on spinning, both on static and on spin modes. (Spin Static) Learn spin combos on static that will take you 720 degrees around the pole. Learn static spins that end in mounting the pole to continue trick passes. (Spin Spin) Explore and experiment with approaching and mounting spin pole other than step and climb. Learn how to take off in both directions as well as working the spin pole with single arm holds.

● Strictly Dance (all levels) -90 MINUT -1 OSOBA DO RURKI
Test your limits of grace, fluidity, power, and coordination. This class is strictly dancing, without our beloved pole. Yet it is not your average floor work class. Here you will be exposed to dancing with your body grazing the floor, as well as taking flight and everything in between. Be prepared to jump, roll, kick, and pirouette in this fun and challenging class that is sure to take your “floor work” to new heights.


kupując więcej niż jeden warsztat zyskujesz!
● kursanci Cocoon Pole Dance Academy Magdalena Ślusarczyk
- 1 warsztat 320 zł. (po 15.01.2019 r. - 350 zł.)
- 2 warsztaty 620 zł. (po 15.01.2019 r. - 650 zł.)
- 3 warsztaty 900 zł. (po 15.01.2019 r. - 940 zł.)
● osoby spoza studia
- 1 warsztat 330 zł. (po 15.01.2019 r. - 360 zł.)
- 2 warsztaty 640 zł. (po 15.01.2019 r. - 670 zł.)
- 3 warsztaty 940 zł. (po 15.01.2019 r. - 990 zł.)

osoby, które w przeciągu 2 tygodni od zapisu nie zapłacą zadatek w wysokości 50% wartości warsztatów będą usuwane z listy. Całą kwotę za warsztaty należy uiścić najpóźniej 2 tygodnie przed warsztatami (czytaj 1.02.2019).
W przypadku rezygnacji zadatek nie będzie zwracany.
W przypadku kiedy osoba zapłaciła za warsztaty i nie pojawi się na warsztatach powinna znaleźć zastępstwo i poinformować o tym organizatora. Pieniądze za nie pojawienie się na warsztatach nie są zwracane.

● osobiście w Cocoon Pole Dance Academy Magdalena Ślusarczyk
● przelewem - w celu uzyskania nr konta proszę o kontakt:
- email: magdalenaslusarczyk87@gmail.com
- profil na fb https://www.facebook.com/cocoonpoledance/
w tytule przelewu wpisujemy imię nazwisko, wybrany warsztat, PHOENIX KAZREE oraz nr tel.

Magdalena Ślusarczyk
Cocoon Pole Dance Academy Magdalena Ślusarczyk
tel. 508 079 955
e-mail: magdalenaslusarczyk87@gmail.com
profil fb www.facebook.pl/COCOONPOLEDANCE

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